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You can see how, as an investor, understanding these two scenarios is key to determining what to do with your money. Sources within the finance industry indicate that bullish runs typically last five years (as noted previously), while downturns last about 1.3 years on average. When the market starts to rise, people get excited – somewhat irrational, and pour more and more money into the market.

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  1. The term ‘bull’ is used to describe those investors who are optimistic about the market and believe that prices will rise.
  2. In fact, it often becomes more likely that the market becomes close to an inflection point when everyone recognizes a bull market.
  3. She has previously worked at CNBC-TV18, Thomson Reuters, The Economic Times and Entrepreneur.
  4. The short seller’s profit and loss amount is the difference between the price where the shares were sold and the price where they were bought back, referred to as “covered.”

It allows you to re-align your portfolio with your long-term investment strategy. These signs can help you understand whether you’re on the path to a sunny spot (a bull market) or about to hit a stormy patch (a bear market). A bear market should not be confused with a correction, which is a short-term trend that has a duration of fewer than two months. The longest bull market in history was over 131.4 months following the Great Recession. From March 2009 to March 2020, the S&P 500 increased by 400% and gained over $18 trillion in value. Bull markets often indicate a general “up” period in the economy, especially if the business cycle is in the expansion or “normal” phase.

Bear versus bull market: Here’s the difference and what investors need to know

As of January 2024, the S&P 500 was considered by investing experts to be in a bull market, with stocks in this index trading above highs previously set in 2022. The run up in this current bull market started in October 2022, when the most recent bear market ended. Some economic conditions remain strong such as low unemployment and inflation has slowed (although still above the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%). At the same time Interest rates remain high which fosters concerns of a potential recession.

Short Selling in Bear Markets

Throughout history, the bulls in U.S. markets have had some great runs, starting with the boom after World War II that exceeded the market’s peak before The Great Depression. Since that time, the market has experienced a series of bull markets, including the longest one from 2009 to 2019, which was on the heels of the collapse in the U.S. housing market. While there is no precise trade99 review definition of a bear market, it is generally considered to occur when stock prices fall by 20% or more from their previous peak. The term ‘bull’ is used to describe those investors who are optimistic about the market and believe that prices will rise. ‘Bear’ describes an investor who is pessimistic about the market’s future direction and believes that prices will fall.

Bear Markets vs. Corrections

“Bull markets happen when the economy is strengthening, and stock prices are rising,” explains Bailey. “Bull markets are typically accompanied by a low number of individuals needing employment and investors who are flush with cash to buy into the markets.” Unlike stock market corrections (in which there’s only a 10% drop) bear markets generally last longer and have a more substantial impact on the economy.

Bull Vs. Bear Market: Here’s What They Mean And How You Can Profit

Bear markets are closely linked with economic recessions and depressions. Recessions are formally declared when GDP decreases for two consecutive quarters, while depressions occur when GDP decreases by 10% or more and the downturn lasts for at least two years. That way, when markets rebound, as they always do, the investor does not have to “time the market” or find an optimal point in which to jump in.

Additionally, bull markets can correlate with a growing economy and high employment rates. Understanding the differences between bear and bull markets is crucial for investors looking to make informed investment decisions. The key determinant of whether the market is bull or bear is not just the market’s knee-jerk reaction to a particular event, but how it’s performing over the long term. Small movements only represent a short-term trend or a market correction. Whether or not there is going to be a bull market or a bear market can only be determined over a longer time period.

The stock market under bullish conditions is consistently gaining value, even with some brief market corrections. The stock market under bearish conditions is losing value or holding steady at depressed prices. This is one of the great benefits of a market downturn and one of the key differences between bear markets vs bull markets for attentive and astute investors. There’s opportunity, if you know where to look and don’t get scared off by a rampaging bear. A bull market is when a major stock market index rises at least 20% from a recent low.

How you should handle a bear market, though, is dependent on your investment timeline. In a bull market, you may hear people saying that you need to take advantage of the rising prices. When practicing this investment strategy, you will buy stocks to hold them while the prices increase.

They are necessities that people buy regardless of economic conditions. To get a better understanding of how crypto bull markets happen, let’s take a look at some of the factors that influenced the 2020 bull market. The term “bull” is derived from the way bulls attack—pushing upward with their horns, symbolizing rising markets.